
Thursday 13 January 2011

All in the details....

The Selby
Cabinet of Curiosities

So stunning Door handle by Franz Von Stuck



Courtney Brook
*Warning, rant alert*

The other day my boyfriend asked me why on earth I spent £200 on a leather jacket (half price 'Owain' jacket from All saints - stunning -see below), when I could have got one for half the price elsewhere, and why it was that I was not happy getting any old footstool, why did it have to be some patchwork one from the local 'hippy shop'? At the time I was feeling guilty of my spending, so could not come up with a good answer, but now I have had time to reflect....

I have come to realise that sometimes rather than looking at the bigger picture, it is also important to focus on the details. Although I admit I do shop at Ikea and other shops where mass produced items are sold, I love to indulge by shopping for items that were hand crafted. Made with love and passion and the right materials for the job - no mdf flat pack furniture or cheap looking item suffice when you have seen the real deal - and not always may I add at a higher cost!

Maybe I am just entering a different chapter in my life, I am no longer buying bits and bobs for the house out of necessity as I was when I finished university 5 years ago. Then any sofa would do because I needed somewhere to sit. Now I want to replace that tatty sofa with a nice one I want to have beautiful things!

 I know it sounds very materialistic, and I guess to a certain degree I am.  I appreciate quality craftsmanship and attention to details, and that also goes for my own worklife as a nurse, I wouldn't dream of doing an okay job of patching up a wound, I put care and passion into my work, and I don't think that is a bad thing!

Yes that is Drew Barrymore in MY coat :)
Ha Ha, rant over.
p.s, He is actually a real sweetie pie :)


  1. i LOVE that jacket... + drew barrymore is a goddess! never feel bad about spoiling yourself once in a while! xx

  2. Love the jacket and love your blog...continue to embrace beauty...and if your boyfriend doesn't begin to appreciate this about you, then hopefully the next one will, and will love you even more because of it ;)

  3. gorgeous post, gorgeous blog. lovely eye-candy :)

  4. Well said!
    And that is one gorgeous jacket.

  5. You are NOT being materialistic in a negative way at all. Buying quality items that you love is way better than buying tons of junk that will end up as landfill. Raising 3 daughters as a single mother I had to buy them 'expensive' clothes (often actually paying less) because I couldn't possibly afford to keep replacing poor quality crap. OK, that's my rant...

  6. I think it's important to surround yourself with beautiful things (plants, candles, a nice couch). It feeds your soul. I"m 48 yrs old and finally giving myself permission to only buy beautiful things. Beauty, however should not send a person into debt. As long as a balance is achieved, that's pretty cool in my eyes.

  7. the jacket is gorgeous! i´m sure you will be happy with it for a long time! i have changed my shopping habits, too, so i buy quality clothes that maybe cost more, but therefor i buy less and select more carefully... that´s also more of a "calm" way to shop, i guess

  8. It is hard for me to justify wanting nice tings, too. In the long run, I figure that life is short and loving beauty is good.

  9. Oh how I love your blog...I feel as if you're making a scrapbook of magical images just for me! Your bohemian/ecclectic/natural gypsy style is such a welcome surprise every time you post. Thank you!

  10. Such a great analogy to compare it to nursing. I often feel guilty that I appear to be materialistic to others when really I'm not. I just want things that are special and different. I don't want to be like everyone else and there's nothing wrong with that!


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