
Thursday 16 June 2011


Mae Murray
Hippies and gypsies

xxxx Stevie xxxx

For sale via Etsy

One vintage designs


Sadly the sky was so cloudy over Bristol I didn't get to see any of the eclipse. But I did read my new universe book in the bath as a mini celebration.


  1. the waistcoat, the waistcoat, omg :)

  2. so...i'm quite new to cmputers in general, and specifically blogs ( i have followed my sisters design blog for support sake, her taste is galaxies apart from mine ) but a friend recommended yours to me the other day and i was up til 3 in the morning oogling all of your posts to date! i looooove your style and taste and even thoug i i might look like a my little pony i am myself a hippie/gypsy/moonlover :) thanks so much for digging for all of this gold and most importantly sharing it with us all! xx pinky of the uni-verse

  3. oh and also..i saw the eclipse from my kitchen window at 5am this morning and it was magnificent! i'm NEVER awake that early, but it was well worth the loss of sleep and the frostbite! (it's winter in Melbourne, Australia)...such a shame you missed out.

  4. So which night do you supposed that we had huge storms and rain and clouds ?
    Yep, yesterday it clouded up and last night we had horrific thunder and lightening all night.. no possible chance of seeing that Eclipse. Bummer :(

  5. How could you be so naughty and tempt me with that delicious fringed waistcoat? Oh wow, it's superb, isn't it?
    I forgot about the eclipse, blame Sir Alan Sugar and a bottle of wine. Call myself a hippy, eh? xxx

  6. Wonderful collections of photos, I didn`t see the moon either...

  7. I missed the eclipse, too. But that first image is wonderful!

  8. Sadly, couldn't see the eclipse through the clouds but thanks for the great pix and the video of Stevie - wonderful!

  9. I missed the eclipse too unfortunately. Amazing post though :)

  10. Live by the Sun Love by the Moon. I have that posted here at my desk all the time. Love it.

  11. Delicious, shabby, wonderfully pretentious occult decadence. Intimately reminds me of some co-eccentrics I know.

  12. Great pics and a great reminder of the Stevie Nicks song...sharing!!! Thanks for posting... :)

  13. If I had that vest, i'd wear it everyday:)

  14. total love for this post! love for Stevie, over and over. great picture of her.

    I didn't get to see the Moon at the eclipse either. Well, Solstice is upon us. Bright Blessings, dear one.

  15. Just have to say i have recently discovered your blog & it feels like coming home. A delicious feast for my gypsy soul x x Adore this song x


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xx Gabi xx