
Wednesday 1 June 2011

Majestic Purple...

Gardens of jeffrey Bale  (yes again, I am in love)


Here's the Deal



Mick and Anita
I have just officially finished my nursing course (Woo Hoo). I got the grade I wanted and I am so happy. I have also just found out I have an interview for one of the very scarce jobs at my local hospital so double celebrations in my little bubble-land. 

I have been saving this post for a couple of weeks, with some of my favourite purple images. If I had failed they would have been black : )

Triple celebration as Moon to Moon was mentioned on big time interior blog apartment therapy!!! what an honor

Hope everyone is having a great week xxxx


  1. Purple is my favourite colour!

    Very much enjoying your frequent blog posts at the moment.

    This Jeffrey Bale is an inspiration!

  2. the tiles in the last pic are to die for and purple is such a magic colour

  3. I love the last two pics, the purple looks so beautiful and warm

  4. PLease Jeffrey Bale....come to my house..............I only want a small wall..............

  5. Congratulations times three!

    I just recently found your blog and am really enjoying it. I soooo want a Jeffery Bale garden.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS !! The garden is just fabulous !! I just can't imagine having one like this ... It's dreamy ... xoxoxo

  7. Purple is one of those colors people seem to love or hate. I am one who loves it! So majestic and regal... Congratulations x3!!

  8. Congratulations on finishing your studies and much luck in your interview for the job.

    Loving these Purples and just look at that bedroom Mick is languishing in... I can't believe he can't get no satisfaction in a boudoir like that!? *wink* Sorry, I couldn't resist... *LOL*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  9. Forgot to mention that photo #1 took my breath away!!! *Swoon* That is certainly one I'm going to share in my next Boheme' Post!

    You discover such amazing images...

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  10. Simply beautiful! Those gardens of Jeffrey Bale are so lovely and enchanting :)

  11. Congrats! i am hoping to start a midwifery degree next year ekk! your pictures are beautiful!

  12. Congratulations! I'm going to have a drink on your behalf later (any excuse).
    I adore these images, they remind me of travelling around Morocco in the 1990's and a bit of young Mick never fails but to get me in a tizzy! xxx

  13. lovely spaces! i need one of those outdoor bed/lounges in my life. congratulations on graduating! must be a wonderful feeling after so much hard work.

  14. Thank you for your amazing posts!

    Do you remember the name of the Fort/Palace in the first picture? I feel like I've been there but I can't seem to remember... ;)

  15. Hey anonymous I will try and find out and post it by the picture xxx

  16. Just popped over from Dawn's. I was here a few days ago and didn't comment...don't know why..but anyway.

    These pics are truly amazing. If one had all the resources oh what one could do!! (O:



  17. oh congratulations my dear! this is wonderful!

    and i LOVE this post! purple is a favorite of mine and i LOVE the inspirations and beautiful pieces you have archived here! <3<3<3

  18. Congratulations! It's always wonderful to visit here and see all the beautiful inspiration - good luck with your interview x

  19. congrats on "playing the game" successfully. purple..... oh great mystery how i love you!!!

  20. Wow, that first room is so opulent.

    I love all the textiles and trinkets in these shots. I really want an Indian influence in my next study. Already collected a few bits and pieces for it.

  21. Just stopping by again to thank you for putting me in your list of recommended blogs. This kind of thing means a lot to me :)

  22. rad!

    love the mick & anita pic!

  23. Congrats on finishing and on the interview!!!! Sending good mojo.

    ...and awesome on the Apartment Therapy mention!

  24. Oh my lord - that first image, the space is devine! As were the other ones but the first one stood out!


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xx Gabi xx