
Tuesday 21 February 2012

And the winner is.....

A beautiful pair of worn in Kilim Boots
The Kilim boot give away was really popular and on behalf of Jenny at Bohemia Design and my self I would like to thank everyone that took part in this awesome give away.

So the winner is .......

......the rather beautiful Heather from Moonshinejunkyard. Congratulations Lovely Lady, please get in touch to claim your beautiful pair or boots xxxx


  1. Congrats! Too bad I'm too late to join. Those boots are so nice!

  2. seriously shaking with excitement!!! THANK YOU forever. these are the most exquisite boots i've ever seen and i feel like i'm in a dream. i actually get to own a pair and live my dreamlife!!!

  3. Congratulations to Heather, wish I had entered now!

    I have just posted about an etsy shop Gabi that I think you would like, your blog came to mind when I first saw it!



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xx Gabi xx