
Thursday 29 March 2012

Collections : Crystals ......

Crystal collection

Atlantean Quartz on the Sand they Grew Up

Crystals : I love born to be wild
Beautiful crystal


 Beautiful Grounding crystal necklace by Daughter of the Sun
Inspired by my excitement/anticipation for knowing my new crystal necklace (see above) from Daughter of the Sun is soon to arrive I am dedicating this post to one of my favourite things to collect.... Crystals :)

As a kid my earliest 'wants' in life were a big Amethyst Geode and a big crystal ball. I am still mesmerised by all the beautiful patterns and textures that these natural objects have been formed in, why would you want a diamond when you could have Turquoise, Lapis, Moonstone or Labradorite? Whether you believe in crystal healing or not, they are pretty darn cool aren't they?.

xxx Gabi xxx

It's arrived and even more beautiful in 'person', thank you Amy xxxx

Whilst collecting pictures for this post I came across this awesome video By Todd Selby, defiantly worth a watch, this dude is

Williams's Crystal corner , A selby film


  1. reminds me so much of my childhood and youth when I used to collect crystals <3

  2. I love crystals. I have them dotted all over my house, on windows and in draws. that necklace is amazing.

    Zoe x

  3. crystals are beautiful, that video is so fun :))

  4. wonderful photos! there's this great crystal shop in my town, and I love to go in an lust over all the pretty rings and whatnot. and lucky you, those necklaces are awesome!

  5. Dude! I love that video I laughed out load when he was talking about people passing on the negative vibes. I love crystals there so awesome :) I found this great etsy store I put the link at the end of this post. They have gorgeous crystals I just want to buy them all. Too bad I'm poor! Thanks for the video XXX

  6. beautiful crystals, they never fail to inspire me, especially lapis lazuli and clear quartz.

  7. I collect too. My current favourite is Purpurite (i think ive spelt that right) which is like a velvety metallic irridescent purple. It's utterly beautiful.

  8. I love your collection and that new pendant is absolutely gorgeous. Like you, diamonds leave me cold but Lapis, turquoise and just about any opaque gemstone make my heart beat that bit faster! x

  9. ~Aloha Gabi! Thank you so much! That crystal called out to you so strongly! Enjoy sweet sister! xx Amy

  10. I just started collecting and using crystals....enjoyed that video...I think I am going to do a cleansing...:)

    Beautiful necklace...BTW.... :)

  11. I am in the midst of a personal debate on whether I should purchase a large crystal lamp at one of my fav shops. You're blog post is an omen! I'm going to snap that baby up!


  12. wauw that looks good! I´ve a crystal page myself on my blog, please come by and have a look, I talk about there healing energy´s and all pictures token are from my own crystals. you can see my crystal page here:

  13. by the way, love that video!

  14. Love this page with so much crystals to look at! Thank you for sharing...


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xx Gabi xx