
Friday 27 April 2012

The home of: Alexandra Valenti

Bohemian Home: Tiled sink and vintage glass bottles

Bohemian style interior: Wow! Stacked books

Alexandra Valenti : Necklaces

Candles, Tibetan Prayer flags and Moroccan lantern

Beautiful bohemian sitting room
Alexandra Valenti: mexican throw

Alexandra Valenti is the talented Austin photographer behind numerous Sisters of the black Moon photo shoots as well as working with Heyoka Leather and shooting for Free people. One look at her web site and you will recognise tons of her photos that have done the rounds on tumblr and pintrest.

Alexndra's pictures of her home were originally posted on the free people blog and I just had to share with you. Her bohemian home is so beautiful, I just love that kitchen! However , all though they look great, those stacked books would just be a disaster waiting to happen in my house as I am so very clumsy.

Hope you all have a great weekend...

xxx gabi xxx


  1. I LOVE HER HOUSE,thats my dream house!!!!!

  2. yes I can see my 2 lurchers knocking those books flying, when they have a mad 5 minutes LOL

    I do like it all, especially the prayer flags, you see them a lot here in Glastonbury.

  3. Love the flag curtains, so I have an idea of where to put my Buddha statue...and the books, nightmare for me!

  4. ;D That's an original way for storing books, not very practical though ;D
    Love the home!

  5. So very lovely!! Makes me wish I could give up my current apartment living for a nice open, light-filled house...

  6. If you look closely you can see those stacked books are actually multiple smaller stacks on shelves on the wall - clever clever.

  7. as i was reading this post i noticed that pouch looks familiar...i made that!

    what a small world.


  8. The house is amazing. What attracted me to it are the books. I love how he stacked the books like that. I have been on the prowl on bookshelves and this is pretty nice.

  9. Love the stacked books, I've had to start doing this because I've run out of bookcases. Beautiful and really warm home.


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xx Gabi xx