
Friday 4 January 2013

Kitchen Details.....

Kitchen in The Mushroom House CO via Pinterest 
Kitchen details via Tessa Payne Flickr

Kitchen shelves
Kitchen details via Pinterest
Kitchen details via collier west
Kitchen detail, via Design Sponge
When the dream of buying a home became a realty, I was so excited about the prospect of building my dream kitchen. I was inspired by the years of pretty pictures I had collected for Moon to Moon. I wanted to replace the cupboards with beautiful rustic wooden shelves that would house my jars of spices, brown rice and mismatched blue and terracotta crokery, and I would spend time looking for that perfect vintage style fridge, paint it turquoise and have it overlook a herb garden :)

In reality I do not have a big budget, and annoying things like replacing the front door and getting the heating properly installed is sadly now more of a priority. But that kitchen still needs sorting.

The kitchen is such an important room to me, I want to be inspired to cook homemade soups, spout beans and seeds, bake bread and enjoy being in there when I do so. So I am focusing on the details. Details that dont have to cost a fortune, like a buying a terracotta pot (bottom photo) and planting herbs that I frequently use, displaying some of my pretty jars and containers on the work surface (this will also disguise my awful pink flowery granny tiles until I can replace them),  hanging up my nicest mugs and pans and of course growing my avocado tree. Slowly but surely this kitchen will be great , but on a budget, ebay, etsy and charity shops are my new best friends

xx Gabi xx


  1. Check out Craigslist too. People are moving every day and they need to get rid of things quickly.. you can find very cheap deals. Good luck ;)

  2. I am in LOVE with this post (and these pics! So my style.
    You know, almost everything I own is from the Goodwill, thrift shops, yard sales, even the side of the road. My apartment is like no-one elses as everything I have is pretty much one-of-a-kind.
    Your kitchen sounds beautiful. Mason jars are the greatest invention in the world - I use them for everything and get them for so cheap used.

  3. Don't forget Freecyle, Gabi, a way of matching people who need things, with folks who have stuff to give away.
    It was marvellous way of finding homes for all our surplus goods when we were downsizing.

  4. Oh Gabi......Kitchens built with LOVE are the best ones...COST does not MATTER!!



  5. wauw great post! always love all the pictures you find and post on moon to moon! i´ve got a plant like the one in the second picture and had no idea that this gives such a lovely flower! i´ll have to wait and see my plant growing untill this stage...

    Kiss Kiss Mercedes

    p.s. i thought i had a picture from the plant but don´t :( but if you want you can take a peek at my other plants here:

  6. wow, first kitchen looks so tim burton, doesn't it? xoxo

  7. Interesting blog enjoying looking. from hesta

  8. Unique and very interesting design. I like it very much as it defines your kitchen different one from others. Thanks for sharing this nice post here with us.
    Home Renovations Calgary

  9. STUNNING space!!!
    xoxo Carla


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xx Gabi xx