
Friday 29 November 2013

The Houseboat of... Illustrator Tabby Booth..

The beautifully eclectic houseboat home of London based illustrator Tabby Booth

Turquise and red!... Featuring one of Tabby's mugs (far left) available from her shop
The cozy bed nook, separated by a Indian Hanging brought for £1.50... bargain :)
Images by Tabby Booth

For any regular readers that read my ramblings, you will know that I have a bit of an obsession with houseboats and spend hours on boat sale websites dreaming about buying a dutch barge. I have to say I think I may have found the perfect little home, sadly it is already taken...

This houseboat named The Long haired Eel is the Home of London based illustrator Tabby Booth and is in my eyes perfect. Bright paint, kilim and sheepskin rugs, tuns of books, a wood burner and a bed nook!! This is the coziest boat I have seen!

Tabby moved onto the river last year into a rented room , before taking the leap and buying the long-haired Eel. The boat was in her words "a complete shell of crap, and we have cleaned it out and built it up from scratch ourselves... it's not quite finished yet but we're getting there slowly"

hand painted creature Mug


  1. You always find the best places! I love the yellow here, it really sings. You are right, it is a perfect haven, complete with a cat. What's not to love? x

  2. I think this is one of my favourite posts so far. Because it is achievable, for not much money, in not space. Perfect!

  3. No wonder why it's your obsession. Lovely <3

  4. Fantastic! LOVE the sleeping nook. Thanks for posting this!


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