
Thursday 1 January 2015

Conscious Living: Fat and The Moon

 Part of my 2015 resolution, the reason for my month trial of a Vegan diet is that I would really like to start living more consciously and choosing natural products that I know have been made ethically. One such company that I have a number of products from is Fat and the Moon.
Fat and the Moon specializes in handcrafted, herbal body care products. Like a witch over a cauldron, founder Rachel Budde experiments with age­ old ingredients and recipes passed down from various healing traditions to craft innovatively simple products that are good for the body and the earth. 

Many of the herbs used in Fat and the Moon have been home grown on the organic farm inhabited by the Fat and the Moon team. Everything is made in small batches from organic ingredients. Started as an alternative to the toxic, mass­ production body care industry, Fat and the Moon products remain extremely close to their source. 

Budde also carefully considers what her potions live in. Plastic is used sparingly, and all of the packaging is set up to be a joy to reuse and a breeze to recycle. We should take as much care selecting the things we put on our bodies as we do in shopping for the foods we put in them. The goal of Fat and the Moon is to make that a pleasure! 

I have personally sampled a number of Fat and The Moon products and my favorites are: the Dream Weaver Mist (always in my baby changing bag), the deodorant cream and the fabulous face oil.

Next on my to try list is the Calm Kid mist and the Natural toothpaste!!

Do you guys have any favourite ethical products that you would like to share? I would love to hear your opinions

xx Gabi xx


  1. I'm from Australia and love Tinderbox products. An unpretentious and earthy label.

  2. Are you familiar with The Local Rose? Shiva Rose has a beautiful assortment of natural products in her shop. Highly recommend if you haven't visited before. Boheme galore! New Year's blessings to you and yours!

  3. I just love the packaging! it has to be one of my favourites. I keep meaning to have yet to try out the products! Now with these recommendations I may have to have a dabble.

    Zoe xx

  4. Rad! I love herbal products, It's why i went to school for herbalism for a year X)

    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only person changing my diet (for now, maybe...). I've been eating vegetarian for 4 years now but I'm doing a no-dairy diet for the next few months to see if it helps clear up my skin. It's not easy I've found... I've mistakenly eaten dairy twice already :/... Well good luck to you!

  5. I will have a look at Tinderbox and the local rose thank you guys!!

    Zoe, you should give them a go!!

    Janey...Good luck with the dairy free, I have been for 6 months. It was hard at first but now i don't really miss it.... not even Cheese!!

  6. I love Forest Essentials. They are made from all natural ingredients and feel great. I think they also ship outside India.


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xx Gabi xx