
Sunday, 10 January 2010

Bright Boho Bedrooms

These images are all from Marie Claire Maison. The top one is my personal favourite, I think the other two may give me a bit of a headache


  1. These are very nice!!! LOVE the lantern :-)

  2. patternpatternpattern!
    too much of a good thing can be wonderful:)

  3. We have different aesthetics - I go for extra-high furniture over low (I even put 6" legs on my bookcases) but I keep finding some of my favorite pics in your posts. The second pic down (for instance) I updated for my niece's new bedroom, to cheer her up during a hard life change. More purple and silver, with herringbone & houndstooth in place of flowers. And thick green glass shelving. It turned out well! Yes, I'm still on your blog, and still enjoying the images *and* the writing.


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xx Gabi xx