
Thursday 27 January 2011

Wish you were here....

To wake up here!!!!

I have so much university work to do and sitting in the study area of my bedroom is driving me a little crazy, not to mention writing about dementia is a tad depressing. The weather outside is rotten so I can't even sit in the sunshine. Anyway enough whinging. I thought I would post some pictures of rooms I would rather be studying in. Although I doubt I would get much done.


  1. Wow, I love the first photo.

    Poor you! I finished my degree three years ago but I remember it well, all those days sat studying, trying hard to concentrate when there were so many other things you'd rather be doing! Good luck with your essay!

  2. Cheers Louise.
    I am sure I will get there, but like you say there are a million things I would rather be doing :)

  3. I would never get anything done in these places! Good luck finishing your paper. Reward yourself when you're done!

  4. Oh, my. I would love to ditch my schoolwork, dentists appointment and Mom duties to spend some time in that second photo. I think I'm getting something out of just imagining it.
    Hope you get to relax soon!

  5. I was choosing the second one until I saw the last one. Anywhere with the view of the Eiffel Tower is good for me.

  6. I agree, the last photo with the prospect of a croissant and a cup of coffee for breakfast with Edith Piaf/ Amelie soundtrack singing on the radio is a winner for me

  7. I'll take the hammock room!!!

  8. Beautiful rooms!

    I just wanted to say that I have only just found your blog, and fallen in love, I'm reading through everything. I thought I was a bit of a oddity, actually, in my love for a cluttered, eclectic bohemian look. I describe my own apartment as a modern Gypsy caravan.

    So much design focus these days seems to be focused on sleek mid-century modern, and it's so refreshing to see that there are other people who dream of the whimsical cluttered days of old! Thank you!

  9. I love your choice of photographs. Your post inspired me to blog a To Bed post myself. I wonder if someone who wakes up in one of these places ever gets bored of waking in that place. Peace. Brianne

  10. They are all stunning! If I *had* to choose, though, I would go for Paris...I love it and miss it. That ocean view runs a VERY close second, though! ;)

  11. Oh my...
    Take me away.

  12. Wow. This post is amazing (as usual). Love the things you find!

  13. The weather here is rotten too.
    I feel your pain.

    The photographs are beautiful
    as is your blog
    keep it up darling
    shine shine shine

    hope to hear from you*!

  14. I would bet my last dollar, the woman in the hammock photo was taken in Buenos Aires!


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