
Monday 2 May 2011

Gloriously Idle....

 Natalie Kucken
Bosnian Coffee - Can't you just smell it?

That Bow

The selby
Unabashedly Prep
The art of doing absolutely nothing. Don't you just love lazy bank holidays? A free day off to laze around drinking coffee and getting stuck into a really good book. Not to forget the picnics in the park with ready made cocktails ; )

If I am honest saying I am not a big Royal family fan is an understatement (controversial I know, sorry!!) but I defiantly enjoyed my extra day being idle. So thank you Will and Kate xx


  1. i really love this blog i could get lost in here for hours! It make me want to tidy my place as well, so its all good! thanks!

  2. not a big royal follower myself, but quite happy with the holiday! i love everything you post---we must be interior design kindred spirits.

  3. this one makes me so happy today. thank you.

  4. That first photo with the light streaming in through the plants is wonderful! And I wouldn't mind being in that white hammock, sipping the Bosnian coffee, while my head rests on one of those fabulous pillows! Siiiiigh...

  5. Hi. Just wanted to say thank you for your blog, for posting all these wonderful images, for brightening my day, for making my heart sing.

  6. thank you for featuring one of my photos :)
    (the first one)

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog as I've now discovered yours. Bohemian, laid-back and not a Royalist? We're going to get along just fine. xxx

  8. Just found your blog, glad I did, gorgeous interior pictures.

    Shirl x

  9. haha i can't understand all the royal hoopla AT ALL! but a holiday is always welcome and especially if it's as dreamy as these photos!

  10. Rooms filled with plants, table clothes as curtains, and unmade beds! I have found my dream interiors blog :) Thankyou for giving so many beautiful spaces to imagine myself in when standing on an over crowded tram.

  11. Lovely blog, so amazing photography in it. Like to see more here in the blog, keep on posting.

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  12. Hello,
    I love the ethnic cushions, do you know where I can find them, because in Barcelona I can't find them !
    I love your Blog!


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xx Gabi xx