
Friday 25 November 2011

Spell and the dream catchers

Spell Prism Dream catcher with crystal and bone

Spell Dream Catchers

Spell dream catcher

Crochet Dream catcher by Rachel Rice, via Flickr

dream catcher object created for Free People Portland (by rachael rice)

Last week I had a very nice surprise in the post from the lovely Ladies at SPELL. A beautiful dream catcher and a feather ring. I have been a big fan of their products and their stunning photography for a while now and even posted Lizzy's house a while back so to receive such a gift was such a luxury.

I was going to upload some pictures of my dream catcher but cant find my camera - computer cable so have posted a couple of Spells images instead (mine is the Prism dream catcher in the first photo).

So to Lizzy and Spell a big thank you xxxxxx


  1. I love this post! We've always had dream catchers in our house. Beautiful!

  2. Now I have this urge make one :)

  3. man i love them!!! i really love the twig one! thanks for sharing!

  4. i love this post! made my birthday perfect! thanks

  5. I remember these from my daughters youths! They helped them sleep, especially after a Roald Dahl story!

  6. Ahh how amazing! Two of my favourite blogs sharing the love. Spell are such talented, creative people... those dreamcatchers are beyond beautiful x

  7. congrats to win such a lovely gift, my dear! really well deserved - the dream catcher is so pretty and I totally love this post.
    a feather ring sounds really amazing, too!

  8. Lucky you, that sounds wonderful!
    i would prefer the one made out of branches (though it reminds me a bit of "blair witch project" :)

  9. Beautiful dream catchers. The crochet work and feathers are fabulous!

  10. It's gorgeous. I love Spell. They have 20% off this weekend! xxx

  11. Gorgeous photos. I have always loved dream catchers and their magic. Have a few hanging in my apartment.

  12. Wow, these are all so gorgeous. I love dreamcatchers :)

  13. Beautiful images - I love making these with my son.

  14. I made the doily ones! Thanks for featuring them! I wish we knew each other on LAND as well as on line!! <3 <3 <3

  15. Thanks so much for putting me on to SPELL.

    LOVE! And love your blog so now following :)

  16. Just curious are these in any way used in Love Spells while casting they just resemble something that i know of but anyway it is such a big talent you have got for yourself

  17. I want to know if you use all those to make a love spell. thanks they are nice stuffs


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