
Thursday 16 February 2012

Bohemian Car Interiors ....

national geographic, september 1968

Knuckle duster gears and a bohemian blanket chair cover

Crotchet blanket

Fake flowers

Mexican blanket throw
Aren't these car interiors awesome? My sister gave me a Mexican blanket for my birthday last year and as soon as I get myself a car I am copying that bottom photo.

Jenny from Bohemia Designs and myself would like to thank you to everyone who has entered the Kilim Boots giveaway. it has been really successful with over 100 entries so far.  ~ just a small reminder to those you silly Monkeys who have entered as anonymous and not left an email address, I don't know who you are! (This is so something I would do, ha ha) Please re-comment with an email address or send me an email before the closing date to let me know which anon is you.
Good luck guys 

xxx gabi xxx


  1. Fantastic! Made me smile.

  2. me too, you see quite a few vehicles done out like this around Glastonbury. There is a van that parks in Magdalen street on market days which has a garden of plastic flowers growing along the dashboard!

  3. I am loving that knuckle duster gearstick - amazing! And those flowers on the back seat window... I'm gonna do it :) x

  4. cozy! we drove a VW bus in the late seventies in Europe, we lived inside, lets say for example: ... Pont Neuf :)
    One of the best times in my life :)

  5. When are we pimping the Danper Van??

  6. ohhh to bad that i missed the giveaway!! wanted those 70s boots

  7. lovely! we have always decorated the cabs of our camper vans~right now we have twining fake ivy, a little bag of crystals, a rowan wand, hag stones, and the same mexican blanket in the photo!

  8. They look amazing, love it!


  9. Wouldn't think about the crochet blanket ! Interesting ... !! xoxox

  10. love the last one <3

  11. the first picture blew my mind. its incredibly beautiful xx

  12. Now that's impressive. Many car owners put a lot of focus on the car exterior, but it's a shame that you don't see so much work in the interior. When you see stuff like this, you kind of hope that more would pick up on this style to spice up their cars.


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xx Gabi xx