
Saturday 17 March 2012

Create a Bohemian Bedroom, part 2 .... The details ...

Creating a bohemian bedroom with Kilim cushions, dream catchers and candles 
Creating a bohemian relaxed bedroom: Sunken bed with plenty of cushions and pillows :)
Creating a bohemian bedroom: Mosquito net canopy and Indian throws 
Creating a bohemian bedroom, with an anthopologie quilt. So pretty!
Bohemian bedroom ideas: Unusual unique wall hanging :Julia Galdo and Cody Cloud via Design sponge
Bohemian Bedroom inspiration: Strange but beautiful. I love that window

Some ideas for helping creating a beautiful, relaxing bohemian bedroom, as requested by Julia. Hope these help xxx Gabi xxx

For Part one click here

Thank you for all your lovely comments regarding my work. It has got better over the last few days, I am starting to relax a bit more now


  1. Ahh this are beautiful, we are currently looking to move, so we are making plans on decorating. Some of these idea will defiantly be on the "to-do"

    Zoe x

  2. ~love the sunken bed with the wood area above...thank you for these bits of well and much love light and blessings~

  3. That anthropology quilt is so vibrant! I love it, and of course everything else ;)

  4. Wow, I love the first photo. I can't wait until I have my own apartment to decorate beautifully :)
    Wonderful post!

  5. love them! The greenish one, with the arch window is amazing, love the atmosphere ...
    Glad to know w o r k is better :))

  6. So pretty! I use a pink salt lamp- it is perfect for making a nice bohemian atmosphere in the bedroom :)

  7. love that moon lamp in the second pic xx

  8. Sweet inspiration! I love that quilt so much, that dinosaur lamp is totally fabulous and the ceiling in the last room takes my breath away.
    Did you know that according to Feng Sui a beam over a bed makes for an unhappy partnership? Hasn't done us any harm! x

  9. Those design and colors are interesting. Are you the one who made the designs or it is your collection of great designs bed.

  10. Really like the painting on the ceiling tiles -- designs like that inspire me!

  11. This is a great posting I have read. I like your article.

  12. haha how lovely, just discovered your beautiful blog... the first picture is my sisters old room!! :)


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xx Gabi xx