
Tuesday 29 May 2012

The home of Guy Blakeslee and Maximila Lucaks

The eclectic home of Guy Blakeslee and Maximila Lucaks
Maximilla Lucaks , exposed brickwork and drums
Dressing table with vintage birdcage and Bob Dylan
Guy and Maximilla : Hammock
I love the blue of that suitcase with the gold :)
Yet again i have been rumaging through The Selby and found this shoot of
 Guy Beardsley, musician and singer in the Entrance band and filmaker Maximilla Lucaks in their home in Laurel Cannon , L.A.

 Such a beautiful home, sadly as it is an old shoot from 2008 there are not too many pictures of the home, but the pictures there are, are great. I love that first one. I would love to live here!


  1. I ♥ eclectic homes! I need to spend a little time at The Selby.... You introduced me to so many delights! Thank you.

  2. Such a lovely space, its gorgeous.

    Zoe xx

  3. I've been to some epic gatherings in that house. Although different friends live in it now, such a special home.

  4. oh, to live here!

    my flats rubbish :(

  5. This is fantastic! You come across the most wonderful spaces :)


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