
Tuesday 8 May 2012


Window garden: Mini cacti garden
Bohemian Home: Houseplants and a great view
Conservatory plants
Where the wild things are: You can never have too many houseplants
I love this Houseplant covered retro style table

This post is for my friends Anna and Shaun (check out his awesome webcomic here) who are moving house and asked for a post about houseplants. So here it is....

It is my opinion that no house (or workplace) should be without houseplants, not only do they clean the air around us but studies by the Washington State University showed that people with houseplants in their workplace were 12% more productive,  more relaxed, had lower blood pressure and were less stressed than those without.

Sadly I don't think it will catch on in hospital wards here in the UK where patient flowers have been banned in many hospitals. Personally I think this is ridiculous as when ill being in a calming environment would surely promote well being....

xx Gabi xx

Separate note
Thank you to all those who have entered this months full moon give away, If you haven't yet entered you have until Sunday 13th of May.
I have decided to turn them into a regular feature and have had a fair bit of interest from shops and individuals wanting to take part. If you have an idea for a give away that you think Moon to Moon readers would love please email me at


  1. i love all my lil house plants!

    be well...

  2. I agree they should be in every home, I really think they make a huge difference. Love the images!

    Zoe x

  3. looking at these, i definitely need more houseplants. i got so many outside, i need to reflect that inside. i know it would definitely calm me down and make me more productive. shame to hear about the uk hospitals. i think patients would greatly benefit from plants surrounding them. i know that my mood improves drastically just by looking at my garden, imagine receiving that energy when you are sick!

  4. That is awesome!! Such cool pictures!


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xx Gabi xx