
Sunday 5 August 2012

Creating Moroccan Style Sitting Rooms....

Moroccan Nook complete with lanterns, rugs and Handira throws.
PInk Moroccan Nook with scatter cushions and tassles
Moroccan style interior: Pouffe, Handira cushions, tiles and Dabouches
White Moroccan seating area with Silver Ottoman and Handira rug
How dreamy are these Moroccan style nooks? These cosy spaces are easy to create.... just grab some Kilim cushions, a Moroccan Pouffe/ ottoman, a handira rug and a couple of lanterns.... add some peppermint tea and you are on your way....

Where to buy:
Handira available from Beyond Marrakech and Gypsy River

Pouffe's available from Bohemia and Beyond Marrakech

Kilim Cushions available via etsy

For More Moroccan Interior Inspiration click here


  1. I find Moroccan style rooms so comforting and relaxing, it will be the inspiration for our new living room when we finally move.
    Gorgeous as always Gabi.

    Zoe x

  2. cozy cozy, pure pleasure! Love them!!

  3. These are just gorgeous !!! <3

  4. I came with my coffee this morning and sat awhile. I do like Moroccan style.
    Thanks Gabi...

  5. Just found your blog a short time ago, and I love it! So dreamy... :)

  6. I really need to rethink the way I decorate. This is fantastic.

  7. thanks Gabi, great post! love all these images.
    Thank you for the shout out too...I have heaps of kilim cushions also.

  8. YES to Moroccan! I spent many hours googling around trying to find an inexpensive way to get the Moroccan screen look on my windows here on my New Mexican adobe house. I'm thinking of buying radiator grating and having a go at it myself... Any ideas?

  9. Wild - the very first photo reminds me very much of the living room my parents had when I was a kid, right down to the Persian carpets on the floor and walls, Moroccan jewelry hanging on the walls, the low bench seating with white cotton blankets covering the cushions...

    I never realized that this is what their decorating style was until now! Both my parents are artists, and traveled to Morocco and absolutely loved it. Obviously, it really influenced their design of our home when I was young.

    It is quite bizarre to only just realize this so late in my 30's, just blew my mind, I think!

    Thanks for the wonderful environments you post - they are always inspirational.


  10. Just discovered your absolutely beautiful blog!
    We are also a special source for carpets, lighting and custom decor from Morocco:
    Thank you,


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xx Gabi xx