
Friday 30 November 2012

Bohemian Christmas Pt.1 : Spiritual gifts.....

The Jane Lyle 'Cup of Destiny', image via Gneiss Moon Astrology

The constellation globe from Urban Outfitters
The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck
Vintage ouija Planchette from Invisible Gallery on etsy
Zodiac Pillowcases $22 via KinShip
Galaxy Playdough
Here is part 1of Moon to Moon's Bohemian christmas gift ideas. enjoy xx

1) The Jane Lyle "Cup of Destiny" is such a beauty. Based on the 1930's/1940's Aynsley Tea Cup and saucer, commonly referred to as "The Neiros cup of Fortune" the cup of destiny is a great copy at a tenth of the price . £11.99 from Amazon

2) The Constellation Globe, $39 from Urban outfitters

3) The Wild Unknown tarot Deck $40, from the Wild Unknown

4) Vintage Ouija planchette $100 from Invisible Gallery on etsy

5) Zodiac Pillowcases, $22 via KinShip

6) Galaxy Playdough, make your own.... recipe via Fairy Dust Teaching


  1. Extremely good ideas....thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you for the Tasseomancy link Moon to Moon many blessings to you...
    Gneiss Moon

  3. wauw that is so cool! i´ve got an amethyst and a salt candle burn lights like those in the first picture! love it

  4. These are great! I want to make that galaxy play-dough now.

    <3 Melissa

  5. I love this collection, I'd love any of them!
    My Mr hinted that a gift from the wild unknown was on its way :)

    Zoe xx

  6. Great collection.We also get varaiety of Christmas Gifts and Newyear Gifts at here......

  7. Great gift ideas...Love the Astrology Globe! I am going to check out the playdough...I know a little girl who would love that!!



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xx Gabi xx