
Wednesday 23 January 2013

Dream Bedrooms

Wooden Handmade Homes

From the Book Houseboat: Reflections of North America's Floating Homes
Den bedroom
Small den bedroom with big windows
Wooden Handmade Homes
It was the top picture of a wooden bedroom that actually made me start Moon to Moon all those many Moons ago. I have spent so much time studying the picture and wishing I was in that room, lying on that bed, staring out the window, breathing in the smell of nag champra and listening to a bit of Dylan. Bliss....

It has taken a while to find images of rooms that have the same vibe or mystery, but here they are... my dream bedrooms. Simple, wooden and handmade...


  1. Biss is much warmth in these bedrooms. I will never understand perfectly matched, ensembled, theme rooms. Love THIS!

  2. They are all gorgeous, I often daydream about having such a beautiful space.

    Zoe xx

  3. Love them all! My neighbour and friend, has a teepee in her back garden, with a view of the Tor. She and her husband sleep in it during the hot weather.

  4. I could quite happily live in any one of these gorgeous rooms. Super cosy and rustic is my fave combo...x

  5. Sigh. Gorgeous.
    I love the top two especially :)

  6. Oh wow! All that light! I literally wouldn't ever leave. My favs are the boat house and the small den, so

  7. i love all these rooms. you just added to my "wish list" lol. thanks!

  8. Absolutely dreamy. A collection well worth the wait!


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xx Gabi xx