
Wednesday 17 July 2013


Bedside Table
Bedside Table: Dabito on Flickr
Bohemian bedside: Books, art and instruments
Relaxed bedside
Bedside reality : Tea cups and mess
My bedside mess

How other people live is so interesting isn't it? When you go to mates and families houses they have usually made a bit of effort to tidy and present the parts of the house in a way they would like you to see them. The bedside table however is not generally an area you would invite guest to look at. Generally the place you will open you eyes too in the morning, does your bedside help inspire you and welcome you to a new day or is it a dusty table with rubbish and old cups? Mine is usually a mixture of the two..

Books, used cups, tumble stones and jewellery are my bedside staples... and more recently a bunch of flowers.. I am finding the flowers help improve my mood when getting up at 6am for a 12 hour shift(see bottom photo)

How about your bedside table? What are your staples?


  1. Ha. The books and rows of tea mugs certainly look familiar...


  2. A glass of water always, books, candle, stones & shells.

  3. Mine doesn't look UNlike any of these--a little bit of all...

  4. I love it, I love it, I love it! I seriously need to change something in my bedroom... well, at least one thing is exactly the same- empty tea cups. Every few days I have whole tray of glasses, cups, mugs etc. ;)

  5. I don't have one!!! However, near out futon, when it's clean... I have my Vicks (part of my OCD: wearing Vicks EVERY NIGHT.) I have my Applejack stuffed animal. I have little love objects from Jen, my Budai, and often whatever jewelry I took off before bed.

  6. The one full of cups did make me smile. Cup, glasses, books, post it notes and a pencil on mine. Though I'm going to try your flowers, my alarm goes of at 5.40 and I hate getting out of bed. Great post

  7. love the beautiful textile with the flowers. I don't have much space but I have managed to fit some books and crystals and of course a glass of water and sometimes tea. I try to tidy it before I go to bed but it often doesn't happen. I love the idea of having it welcome you to your day. Hmmm... makes me want to do better on the tidying up!

  8. They really are tell tale places, your is beautiful as expected :)

    Zoe xx

  9. I love this post, and yes it is lovely and utterly fascinating to see others bedsides. mine has all the usual books, teacups, my dream journals and flowers. No alarm clocks as I hate getting up and am a very very lazy girl.

  10. Yep - water, cup of tea, books and jewellery on mine - oh and tv remote!! I only recently got a bedside having managed for years without and now I couldn't do without one - its so nice to be able to sit in bed and have the essentials to relax right next to you :O)


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xx Gabi xx