
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Jewelled Skulls from Child of Wild

Child Of Wild, handmade Jewelled Skull: Daisy Buchanan with 1930's beading trim
Child of Wild: Opus Postumum Skull
Indian nights Cow Skull
Like a Rolling Stone: Cow Skull from Child of Wild

Aren't these skulls great? they are all hand made by the talented Child of Wild. One of these macabre beauties would look awesome at the top of my stairs or over a fire place. 

In their own words... 

 "pieces are heavily researched and inspired from historical art movements and cultural rituals and ideals. We believe that these pieces should have relevance in the world and the cultures, tribes, artists that produced them should be given credit. We are very particular with who we do business with and import from and make a huge effort to buy in a way that will sustain the culture where the pieces originated"

For more information and a browse through the other beautiful objects, including this faboulous headdress, visit Child of Wild....


  1. I always love ideas that are translated to other eras. Adore that Daisy Buchanan is used here! This is a really interesting take on The Great Gatsby. x

  2. Skulls look better au naturale.

  3. The designs are looking very beautiful.....
    Thanks for posting such beautiful article...


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xx Gabi xx