
Tuesday 5 November 2013

Christopher and Merete's Tiny home....

Christopher and Merete's Tiny House

Tiny Home.. Images from Apartment therapy

This Tiny 127 foot home is in Hartsel, Colarado and is the home of Filmmaker Christopher and his wife Merete.
I am not sure I could personally live in such a tiny space but for a little holiday home on wheels this would be perfect..

What do you think could you live in such a Tiny space?


  1. Oh, I'd love to try! I'd have to come up with a modification of the sleeping arrangements. These 65-year-old legs would balk at climbing up and down the ladder, I'm afraid.....

  2. Yup! I'd love to try and I'd also have climbing up to bed! Maybe a fold-down option?
    I'd also be concerned re- condensation.
    But, the little house is brilliant! Love it!xxx

  3. Just sent this to my best friend for inspiration - she's converting a school bus into a micro-home!


  4. Impressively efficient use of space. Makes us wonder how much do we really need?

  5. Oh god yes. Alone. I'd take it exactly as is, and roll that thing into the woods near a lake.

  6. Love, especially the functional things there. Somethimes tiny place make it more cozy. You can't go far from the person you live with – sometimes good some other times not so good.


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xx Gabi xx