
Friday, 31 January 2014

Just Chilling.......

I am currently away for the weekend in Cornwall, sipping tea eating a yummy fruit salad and looking out the huge Victorian bay window of the Fowey Hotel, admiring the view of the windy choppy may be raining and it may be cold but this is probably,the last chance I will get to get away before little Moon comes along and to be honest it's perfect !

So this post is brought to you via an ipad mini, if the photos are a funny size or the links don't work they are all from my Pinterest account (see link on left side bar) I will sort them when I get home.

Wishing you also a chilled out weekend


  1. Nothing better than chillin'!

    We're chillin' in Charlotte North Caolina! Literally! Couldn't get a flight home 'cause of weather, so spent an extra night here....

    No transportation, so we're watching a lot of Home and Garden TV and drinking a lot of coffee!

  2. Bestest chilled out wishes to you adore your blog from a Brit now living in summery New Zealand :-)


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xx Gabi xx