
Thursday 17 April 2014

The Home of.... Greg Rogrove and Diana Garcia

I am on official maternity leave now, after 4 weeks of sick leave for ongoing nerve problems in my foot.... ouch! In this time before my little dude arrives I have found myself less and less mobile due to the pain, and I am trying to avoid the opiates prescribed, so have spent my time reading, starting my masters essay and browsing through blogs and websites for content for Moon to Moon and recipes for better health..... and a lot of mind over pain meditation.... great for now and the birth (I hope)

 I am afraid I have never been a good blog style writer and with the ongoing pain am finding it even harder to write blog posts, so I apologize..... but I am by no means stopping, in fact I am more inspired than ever at the moment to share my discoveries.. just maybe with less writing and more etsy, ebay and other small artist/makers discoveries.

This is one of my recent discoveries that I missed when it was originally published last year on Freunde von Freunden. I just love the light and green hues in this place. Such an inspiring couple!

Here is a small extract from the original interview from Freunde von Freunden

Greg is a musician who, in the last few years, realized he needed a place to call home. He practices on an old, upright, white piano – a gift from Diana – in a sun-filled room at the front of their house. He toured for years with Devendra Banhart and the Grogs, Priestbird and MEGAPUSS – a project he and Devendra formed with The Strokes’ Fabrizio Moretti. Like so many musicians, his definition of home was the contents of one suitcase and a backpack. He came to LA to record an album and the weather and the surf persuaded him to stay. Renting a trailer on Paradise Lane at the top of Topanga Canyon, he bought a ’77 El Camino for a few thousand dollars and started thinking about settling down. Then, he met Diana.
Diana adamantly defies definition. She has an impressive film resume, including a role in the Sundance award-winning film, Sin Nombre. She is also an incredibly talented artist, known for creating imagery of imaginary animals that ‘represent being what we can dream’. Having once made a living selling her artwork on the streets of New York, her work is now commissioned by cities and festivals around the world.

P.s..... A big congratulations to the Lovely Georgie Kellitt and Family on the arrival of your little girl xxxx


  1. You take care now! Pain is NOT fun.

    D'ya have any other leads on blogs with similar content to F & F (and your own)?

  2. Thank you Rebecca. There is a link list on the left hand side of the blog.
    I find blogs like apartment therapy, design sponge etc.. are really good but you need to have a good search through.
    I love 'Style like U' their closet visits are really inspiring too

    xxx Gabi xx

  3. Ooops... right hand side... dyslexic sorry!

  4. I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Blessings to you Gabi on your very special journey.

    Sorry to hear about your pain...I agree I would want to stay away from the opiates too...constipation comes to mind immediately.

    May I suggest flower essences to help with pain and also the birthing is Australia I use Australian Bush Flower Essences but over there in the UK I would suggest Bach Flower Essences. They support the emotional, spiritual & mental aspects of ourselves and in turn the physical manifestations of many of our internal imbalances. They are cheap and harmless as they act energetically. ***NOTE*** Most have a small amount of bandy in them as a could get a custom blend made up with just water or as you only take a few drops at a time just not worry about it.

    Either that or homeopathics might be beneficial for you, again very popular for labour.

    All the best xox

  6. Hang in there,you'll be rewarded soon with the most beautiful price ever!(I have two little dudes myself:) )

  7. Once you have your little dude , you will forget all about this painful time. Very best wishes for a safe and peaceful labour.

  8. (I mean prize,english is not my native language and I guess it shows ;) )

  9. Hey, hope you get better soon. Take care & don't stop blogging. :)


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xx Gabi xx