
Friday 30 July 2010

One room to rule them all...

I have spent weeks sifting through my hundreds of photos that I have stored up, to find a suitable few to team this one with but always fail. But I love it so much I have decided it needs a post of its own.

I am really in LOVE with this room, I can imagine walking around bear footed, sitting crossed legged on those sofas reading a book off the shelf. and lighting some incense on the table. And that cheese plant... Wow

I spoke too soon. I have just found this second picture of the same room. Lushness :)


  1. Oh I love this room. And I love your blog. I love seeing that other people have the budget to execute what's in my head, and that it turned out so well!

  2. yea, i thought it was just me that loved this room! thank you for your kind words xx

  3. In case there's anyone reading and wondering who doesn't know — this is Charles and Ray Eames' own home. Credit for the interior design goes to Ray. She was awesome.


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xx Gabi xx