
Wednesday 28 July 2010

It was all Yellow...

The bottom picture is a Nathan Altman painting and is one of my favourites, although blue is the main colour, there is something about that yellow pashmina, so this post is inspired by her shawl. 


  1. I want all those rooms to be in one house and I want to live there. Especially the first one and the bathroom - I so want that tub with that shower curtain and a leaning mirror!

  2. I have never been much of a 'yellow' person, but am loving it more as time goes by, and I just adore it in all these pics - lovely post x

  3. the yellow bathtube and the little cabin are so beautiful and sunny :D
    xx viviane

  4. wow! I've pinned three of these pics in pinterest for future reference! Lovely stuff! :)


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xx Gabi xx