Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Wooden Spoons..

Wooden Spoons via OakMoss
DIY Painted spoons
Old Wooden Butter Paddles
Old Wooden Spoons
Owl Wooden spoons
Large Wooden Spoon
All images Via Earth's Kitchen on Pinterest

Im loving all these beautiful vintage, mixed wooden spoons, A perfect edition to any Kitchen :)

..... Thank you to 'untitled' who left a comment about Lloyd's Spoon post, I had not seen that but have spent some time on 'Spooning blog as a result


Amina said...

The old wooden buckets especiañl has a charm. besides the color I've loved

I encourage you to stop by my blog

Dorine said...

Then if you ever go to Bali' you'd certainly love the shop Nava in Ubud. Loads and loods of gorgeous wooden handcrafted spoons! Your post made me think of it.... http://www.livingif.com/retail-therapy-in-ubud/

Unknown said...

This post had its genesis in Lloyd Kahns' recent post about the english spoon carver, didn't it? I read the same post and searched the same images! :D