Wednesday 29 October 2014

Lace Curtains... A very British tradition

Vintage French lace curtain
Vintage crochet lace
Scrap lace curtain with Tassle trim

As I walked home from a bar in Doidrech, Holland last year I was astounded at the amount of homes that had their lights on with the inside of their living rooms on full display for the world to see. .... and Gasp.....there wasn't a lace curtain in sight!!

I suppose you could say the lace curtain has made a bit of a world wide come back in Interior design because of the 'Shabby Chic' obsession of the 2000's, and although I wouldnt proclaim to be a fan of the Shabby chic look even I do like a good lace curtain....

 The obsession with lace curtains, I have been told is a very British obsession. I grew up with them and even have them in my home now..... I guess I just hate the idea of 'living in a goldfish bowl' as my dad puts it. Here in the UK even our former wild child Pop stars such as Pearl Lowe (Daisy's Mum and former front woman of Brit pop band Powder)  designing a rangein the 2000's.

Although there are some pretty grim curtains out there there are also some beautiful handmade curtains to be found.  Another option is to join a variety of laces, trims and delicate doilies together, like image 1 or cut squares of old lace to make a scrap curtain (image 6), to create a unique curtain of your own.

With the renewed interest in Macrame, crochet and knitting I recon lace making may not be too far behind!! What do you think?


Natalia Lialina said...

These are beautiful examples, pure poetry! I also grew up with curtains, including lace curtains which used to be found at any Russian home back then (not sure what't the situation now). I guess we borrowed lace curtains from you guys, along with the tea drinking tradition. Here in the US, curtains are optional. When I first arrived here a dozen of years ago, I was also very surprised to see bare windows in abundance. Lace curtains can still be found in old Victorian neighborhoods though.

Carla said...

Stunning! Great inspiration! Thank you!!! :)

Xox Carla

Tanja said...

I do agree with you: I very much believe this type of cosy elements are the new trend. At least here in Finland we have seen that all kinds of traditional handicraft and folklore elements are becoming very popular. For example, I recently hung an old woven I-don't-know-what-it's-called-in-English on the wall at our home and it felt very trendy, even in the very modern environment. (See here, if you're interested:

Sorry, a bit off-topic from the lace curtains :-) But I do consider these related.

Patricia G said...

These look lovely but I've never felt comfortable with lacey. I like sheer muslin panels also have old silk sari draped.

Lady of the Woods said...

They are all stunning! and I will play with my "scraps" and linen napkins and even make some tassels! LOVE this ! thank you.

Sheri Ramirez said...

I adore lace curtains and the light variations throughout the day. I am fortunate to live in the woods where I can enjoy the transparency. I have used an old lace tablecloth for my bedroom window/doors.
Much Love 'Moon to Moon' for the endless inspirations that give peace to making our houses, home.

Moon to Moon said...

Sheri, you know its so silly but my parents live in the middle of nowhere and still have them... thank you for your kind words

Lady of the woods... I would love to see your finished project... I tempted to give it a go myself :)

Patricia.. Sheer muslin sounds really good, especially if it is unbleached

Tanja.. That hanging is beautiful! it is great that something traditional can be used in a really modern environment and really work

Carla.. Thank you for your kind words xxx

Natalia, Russian textiles are beautiful. I bet the Victorian neighborhoods in the States are too xxx

losdias said...

beautiful inspiration!!

Meg said...

I like them if in the right context and not too drab. Growing up in New York in the 80s my great grandparents had lace curtains as did some of my friend's parents; they aren't something I would purchase (or make! I have no handiskills like that, nor patience though I admire those who do!) I do feel these are making a come back and see them often in Arizona, the boho urban gypsy girls eat this look up! Lovely entry here Gabi, as always!

Notes From ABroad said...

I have lace panels that belonged to .. are you ready ? my great grandmother .. yes, she was British.
I never used them, they were so special to me, I put them away to be safe. Now I plan to use them again..when I change houses. Somehow, charming lace curtains don't go in a Mid Century Modern homes windows :)

lozza said...

Australian here and I hate curtains. My partner wants blinds or curtains closed all the time and I want everything open. Nothing worse than being shut in all the time. Keeps the breeze out, the light out and the outside out. But I guess in Northern Australia it is all about open plan homes and keeping everything as cool as possible.

acyhoz said...
