Friday 27 January 2012

The home of .... Danielle and Jeffertitti

Danielle and Jeffertiti at home in Topanga Canyon
Danielle and Jeffertiti's jewellery

Danielle and Jeffertiti's wardrobe

Danielle and Jefferititi

Peacock chair in the garden

I love that orange bottle!

Jewellery tree
I saw these pictures about a year ago (?) on style like u and have just re-stumbled upon them and thought I would share. On the main site is a video interview with the couple talking about their style and home in Topanga Canyon.

Danielle's wonderful jewellery range 'onwards into the future' is available via - Sisters of the black moon.


Lil Muse Lily said...

love the jewelry tree. thanks for sharing!

hidden art of homemaking said...

I am so happy that I found your is so FUN!! about half of me is absolute boho..the other half..well, the jury is still out...really nice blog


Lisa Graham said...

Their fashions are extremely unique and pics!

Linda said...

They look like a cool couple...LOVE the jewelry and that jewelry tree!! Wonderful pics...thanks for sharing... :)

aroluna said...

I love the jewelry tree and the silver bottle with the orange stone. cool house!! Thank you for sharing, I'll watch the video! :)

Claudia Paola said...

I got so excited when I saw this post pop up in my feed! I love these two; I recognize them from my Style Like You book. Totz wish I could camp out in their backyard or something... Headed off to watch their interview now!

Nichole said...

yes! thank you once again for posting inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy looking at all the wonderful pictures. I love all the colors and pics of ferns. I am a naturalist and love plants also. That is how I came across your blog from looking for garden ideas and plants. Thanks so much for sharing!!! Jill

Fräulein Rübe said...

I love the peacockchair and the jewellerytree. Thank you. I think it is a nice birthdaypresent for my sister.

enjoythesilence said...

wow, how cute are they? i want to rummage through that wardrobe asap!

Delphine said...

Wow it's like a revelation to me. I saw this post a few month ago but every time I am looking for inspiration for my house i come back to these photos. I love their house, love her style!

losdias said...

this wardrobe!!

Chrono said...

Time flies