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King House and Studios (1952-64) |
So for the first time in 9 years I took a little unplanned break from blogging and it was really nice to disconnect for a while and focus my energies, or lack of energies, elsewhere. A couple of months ago I found out that my recent issues with extreme tiredness, nausea and a range of other physiological symptoms, including fertility issues, were the result of the return of a Pituitary tumour that I thought I had seen the back of in 2013. It is not cancer, and it is treatable but it is was still a bit of a kick in the teeth as I had really wanted another baby..... but alas some things are just not meant to be !
My break from blogging, although much needed was also a bit of a silly move as I find it strangely therapeutic .... so I am back. I have found some beautiful homes, and also beautiful products that I would like to share with you all, and as I have been for some time thinking about the concept of 'home' as both an external and internal space, have contacted some wonderful conscious women to interview for a new series of personal interviews..... so watch this space :)
So for my return I have chosen this beautiful home and sanctury of husband and wife Sculpturist Inge King and Artist Grahame King designed by Architect Robin Boyd. I was brought up in and therefore have always been a fan of 'period' properties but since moving into my 1960's home have really started to appreciate the large windows and more open plan vibe to properties of the middle of last century.
What I really love about this home is that it has huge windows that look onto greenery, such a luxury for a city dweller such as myself. The couples collections of pottery, textiles and artwork are all beautiful rich warm earthy tones that fit in perfectly with the building
Below I have included an extract of the original text by Nigel Bertram, I would strongly urge you to head over to Architecture au to read the full article and also to see the full collection of photos by Dianna Snape
"Robin Boyd’s King House and Studios in Warrandyte, designed for sculptor Inge King and artist Grahame King, was completed in three stages in 1952, 1955 and 1964. The plan for the first stage of this house is an almost-square rectangle, four bays by three, about 120 square metres. The plan is a little confusing at first glance; it does not have a particularly recognizable figure or clear hierarchy of zones. It seems a bit loose and even empty, like an industrial building. There is one main room, with a small bathroom, porch and “bedroom” (which isn’t used as such). The kitchen, raised platform and bathroom each take up one structural bay in an offset, abstract arrangement, which gently partitions the singular space into implied zones. The plan is structurally determined, blunt and logical. It does not easily imply domesticity – making us question, in fact, what a “house” is.
As Inge King explains, after the plans were first submitted to council the “bedroom” was added because the authorities would not permit a dwelling of only one room. The raised bay to the north of the main space is labelled as “painting platform” but was apparently most useful as a dance floor for the Kings’ infamous parties. The underfloor space, which increases in height under this platform, is labelled “food store” but has been used as a workspace and studio – a space entered each morning and left sometime in the afternoon, a true home office. Here the ceiling joists in the main area are barely 1.8 metres above the floor. The exposed structure serves as racks for tools and welding clamps, or places to hang work in progress. Adjoining underfloor space up the slope has been fitted out with watertight cupboards and flyscreened cross-ventilation panels. Large plate glass windows to the north, salvaged from shopfronts, unite the lower workspace with its corresponding raised platform living space above. This underfloor workspace, which extends to a level gravel terrace outside, appears to function as the heart of the house – the engine room."
I am so sorry for your struggles,I hope things will get better for you! It must be very hard to go through this,I will be sending you some good healing vibes( at least I will try!).
I have been thinking about the concept "home"a lot too,since we are going to move to another country,on the other side of our globe,from the Netherlands to New Zealand!
It is hard to leave a much loved home,and to not even know in what new home we will end up.
But I am also loving the adventure!
So I am looking for the "home within",that I can take with me,so I don't feel so root-less.
Your blog will be a great inspiration once we find our new home,as it has been while living in this one!
You have been missed. I'm sorry for the setback, but I'm happy you're making your way forward! I share your appreciate of the windows in this place along with all the personal, creative items and style.
So sorry you're dealing with health issues! Sending love
Hi Gabi.
I am a long time reader non-commenter of your blog - sorry! I love what you do, and have many pieces in my home here in Australia inspired by your style, so thank you. I just wanted to express that my warmth and prayers are with you as you go through this stress. I can tell that you are an incredibly strong and courageous woman who will absorb this latest challenge into the story of the totality of who you are.
It seems that many are going through 'heavy shit' right now (myself included)! SO not to minimise your own ordeal, but just know that you are not along in facing such things, dear lady. People sometimes don't get that the baby thing can be more upsetting than the life/death issues, but I know many who have travelled that path, and I am sure the baby thing is understandably huge for you. Don't lose heart....babies come in their own weird and wonderful ways and timings no matter what health care professionals may tell....
Best wishes, Victoria (PS your featured house today is in my neighbourhood!)
I been waiting... ;)
You have been missed - this house is full of warmth - looking forward to sharing your new discoveries.
Welcome back and all the best for health issues and family.
I want you to know how excited I am when I see that you've posted something new. I'm so glad you were just taking a break. Now that I know the reason for your time away, I totally understand. Well done you for taking the time you need. I wish you all the best.
Hello Gabi,
I'm another one of those long-time-reader-no-comments-person. Boy am I sorry first to open my mouth at the time of your trouble. I'm happy you're back and posting again. I often wander past your blog when looking for soothing, calming places to see while having a cuppa. I'll be going to yoga tonight and will send you heaps of energy and health during my mantra. I hope you'll feel better soon. Thank you for doing the things you do here :)
Cheers, Elli
Good to have you back! Sorry to hear about the health troubles. I am an avid fan of your blog.:) Mridula
I am also a long time reader non- commenter and I am so sorry to hear about your struggles and admire your candor. Sometimes it's hard to share these things. At least for me! I have been going through some extremely difficult and sad times and I decided to read your blog tonight to get my mind off things and cheer me up! So, therapeutic for you and for your readers as well. I just wanted you to know that your blog isn't just beautiful it also provides comfort and lifts spirits. So thank you! And it's true- doctors don't know everything! Sending you healing positive vibes from Los Angeles!
Welcome back Gabi. I really love your blog and have been reading it for years. I genuinely feel for you- early menopause has put a firm close to my hopes for another baby. But I feel very grateful for my One little boy. As another commenter wrote, you never know what the future holds for you, and babies can sometimes come anyway ;)
This post is wonderful- I love Inge King and 'modern' houses, and didn't realise she had lived in Warrandyte. Not so far from me.
Sending big healing vibes. Looking forward to seeing more from you ♡
Dearest Gabi, You have been missed so much! We love your blog and openness about your life. Continue to take care yourself and your family, things happen and nothing is perfect, it is how you respond to it that matters. Many healing blessings for you and your family.
Thank you for sharimg this gorgeous space and a bit about yourself :)
So excited to see a new post, and sososo glad to see that you'll be continuing to post more in the future. I was definitely getting worried- your blog is definitely a staple for me♡ I am sorry that you've been having health struggles, many healing vibes your way!
I am so happy that you are back posting your lovely blog. I am sending you lots of good energies and the hope that you will get through the issues with flying colors and on to the light at the end of the tunnel. I appreciate all the work you do to put out such an inspirational blog. Thank you!
Good to have you back. Blessings to you x
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