Gratitude lists and the small details: Toadstool door Knocker via Instagram |
Okay so I am not going to lie, since my last post I have been caught up in a bit of an existensial funk......... and after promising to post more havent really been in the headspace to do so....
When everything is ticking along nicely I float from my little family to college , work to outdoor spaces, cups of tea in cafes to the Buddhist centre to mooching around charity shops (thrift stores). Its not very exciting but simplicty works for me and keeps my mind steady.
Small deatils, Star door handles |
Now the rug has been removed, like everyone else I have become a little unsteady..... and for a little while abadndoned (or forgot) my tools to calm my mind. Maybe I just needed time to ruminate, think of poor outcomes for my loved ones and worse case scenarios at work (a nurse in the hospital)........so they could be released, captured and analysed, labelled, passified and then put safely in a box and stored.
I am at the passified stage right now.......making the desent down from the clouds. Spring is in the air and new life is budding, I have my happy, bouncy, sensitive little boy home for the foreseeable, which feels like such a luxury..... building dens in the trampoline and cuddling up with a book under a blanket is pure heaven. The little fruits on my citrus tree are turning orange. The skys are clear without the airplanes flying in and out of Bristol airport. I have some wonderful friends.... and have discovered Zoom and Skype........
Moon door handle |
Simply........ it is all in the details. It is the small moments that matter, the little wins. The sunshine pouring in through the gap in the curtains , the autumn turning the leaves warm orange and the sound of stepping on the crispy frost on the grass. I am so glad I am rembered. So grateful for......well..... gratitude lists.
I would love to hear some of your gratitudes, either on here or on Instagram, if you would share...
Little bells |
Antique Greyhound door handle |
Mid Centuary Doorplate |
My gratitudes are that I can work from home, that I can go out and dig my garden and that my husband who is furloughed now has time to come for walks in the woods with me.
Love this. I'm grateful we are healthy and have small luxuries to sustain us. Also, that we have a dog we can walk outside in the sunshine. Take care. Xx
Grateful to have both my kids home for some extra time. I sort of always got a pit feeling in my stomach when I dropped them at school and now it’s like I am getting a sliding doors moment to see what life would be like if they were home full time. I am glad spring is on her way as all my herbs are popping up in the garden and the sun is setting later.
I haven't visited your blog for awhile. I got busy and .... you know how it goes. But I've returned recently, because I remembered it as a place of beauty and peace and escape, which is much needed right now. Sending you vibes of wellness and gratitude.
Lori from Wisconsin
Grateful for folks like you who are keeping us inspired right now! Thanks Gabi,
I'm so grateful for all the wonderful creative spaces you've shared over the years. I'm about to buy my first house and coming here for inspiration, now that it's really going to happen, is amazeballs.
My husband died in January. I've had two cats die this year. A beloved dog has a very nasty cancer and does not have long to live. And everything I would normally do to take my mind off this is shut down. I already work from home.
Yet I do have things I am grateful for, including every good day my sick pup has. You just have to find something every day, no matter how little, to be thankful for.
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