Wednesday 18 March 2020

Inspiration..... Small Gardens and potted plants

Beautiful Small gravel garden with potted plants

So the world has got a little intense but as a hospital worker and mother my two main aims for the up coming months are to keep myself grounded and healthy and to protect my son from too much anxiety. But I also really am feeling the need to return to Moon to Moon to post some beautiful relaxing natural homes and gardens...... to create my own little pocket of the internet that is free from anxities.... I hope you will join me ;)
Potted plants for a small Natural garden

Todays post is inspired by my need to design my garden around a pesky (massive understatement) bamboo problem meaning grass is sadly out of the remembering the beautiful gravel garden in the top photo a gravel based garden it is!! Im thinking gravel, potted plants, a compost heap and potentially a raised pond are the way forward for my tiny city garden, bringing in wildlife whilst remainng functional.... the ultimate place to chill....woo hoo!

What do you think?

Curved lines giving this small garden the illusion of more depth

A beautiful cement water feature

I love the use of ferns to create a tropical effect in this small garden
Terrecota pots, timeless classic
Jeffrey Bale Garden Design see more here


Cricket said...

Those are neat! I've been loving small gardens lately, especially container gardens. It's easy to move them around to take advantage of the light and shade, and you don't have to leave them behind if you move. And rocks make for such wonderful natural accents.

J(nm)K said...

Thank you for posting these, in these times of confinement, I have been looking at your blog daily to get a little peace of mind! Good luck for the hospital shifts, things must not be easy right now!

Parchment Paths said...

Thanks so much for posting these lovely pictures!

KP said...

Thank you for the beautiful post! So calming at this difficult time.

Jen Lawrence said...

I love that. I plan to get my garden under control this year. We cannot keep grass in the back so this provides much inspiration. Stay safe.

Unknown said...

Lovely. We all need some calm, green spaces in this increasingly frightening time.

Melanie said...

LOVELY--this is just what we all needed! Thank you for spreading some beauty!'

Unknown said...

Great to see you back, I've followed your blog for years- you're awesome :)
Hope you are doing ok, must be intense for you as healthcare worker and as mum too.
Thanks for posting more lately.
I love the gravel, pots idea. All these pics are super inspiring ♡
Take care Hun ♡♡♡