Saturday 16 November 2013

Luigi Prina and his Flying Model Ships

Luigi Prina's fabulous Flying machines

Have you seen the Studio Ghibli film, Laputa: Castles in the Sky? If so then you can probably relate to my love for Luigi Prina and his beautiful Flying Model Ships.

Luigi has been making aircrafts since he was a boy and won a national competition at just 16 years old. In his 60's, and working as a successful architect, Luigi was bet by a boat builder/friend that he couldn't make a flying ship. It wasn't long before Luigi had a built a little flying boat that wirrled around in his small studio. 20 years later Luigi has dedicated his life to making flying boats, bicycles and other unusual aircraft.

I personally think they are fantastic....

To see more images and a beautiful video interview with Luigi visit Colossal or Visit Luigi's website here to see his beautiful creations


Miss Maple said...

That's stunning! I love them and they have a bit of steampunk chic. Really dreamy!

Tayler Worrell said...

Whoa! This is so cool. Old men are the best sometimes. Thanks for sharing!




Notes From ABroad said...

I think I have to get some of those for a new baby boy in our family. Wonderful , so beautiful .

Introducing New World's With a Shrug said...

Amazing!! thanks for sharing:)

Graphic Designing Portfolio said...

It makes me remember the movie "Three musketeers". In which, they used flying ships, which were awesome.

Milla said...

Oh! Love it.