Friday 5 September 2014

New Moon: The Bolga Basket...Toy Storage Solutions...

Bolga Baskets from Ghana are perfect for Toy baskets
African Baskets as toy storage
Bolga Basket as Toy storage
Bolga baskets in Beatrice Valenzuelas home
When looking for toy storage for Alex's nursery I really wanted to stay clear of big plastic boxes. Although Plastic boxes are practacal and easy to stack I wanted something a little more interesting and tactile.. and to be honest, that looked good too.

My Bolga Basket storage for Alex's Nursery
Bolga baskets seemed to fit the bill perfectly...Fun, easy to move, ethical and with no sharp or hard edges.... . Individually made in Bolgatanga in northern Ghana Bolga baskets are available in a wide mixture of bright colours and come in various sizes. Not only are they really handy for toys now but but they are perfect for shopping or storing firewood/fruit and vegetables when Alex is not so little anymore.

Bolga Baskets are available from many outlets online but please ensure you are buying from a fairtrade source. Basket basket here in the UK are a small ethical family run business and sell a great range of Bolgas... check them out here


Unknown said...

Love these! I don't have kids but i'm think great for magazines or maybe in the bathroom with my straightners/hairdryer etc.

Anonymous said...

I have one with bold beautiful colors that I love taking to the farmers markets. Its sturdy so u dont worry about boxes of berries and things tipping over ;)

Kel said...

Yes, we use them, too, the little ones are perfect for the tiny things children collect. They don't deteriorate like plastic and they can be put to so many uses: love them, and love your blog!

xuximei said...

This is nice if you have kids.

Moon to Moon said...

They have so many uses. Great arent they

Rylin Mariel said...

I would add though, that you should check each basket by running your hands around the surface thoroughly before choosing it for a child: I have bought some that left splinters in my hands.